Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – hot and cold

Dimitri is living with multiple sclerosis (MS), and he experiences dramatic changes in his body temperature every day. These swings can aggravate his other symptoms and leave him feeling suffocated. As he puts it, “a single bead of sweat can bring me to my knees.”


You are now seeing hot and cold

Photographed by Jamie MacFayden
Inspired by Dimitri’s invisible symptoms

He worked with photographer Jamie MacFayden to portray his hot and cold sensations as part of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia’s (MSA) Seeing [MS] campaign, which we also posted about on the blog in July (blurred vision) and August (pain). It’s all about raising awareness and showing everyone the invisible symptoms some people are living with because of their MS. Stay tuned for more Seeing [MS] posts.

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