Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – dizziness

Lyn Petruccelli is living with multiple sclerosis, and she fights random waves of vertigo and dizziness that can strike her at any moment. Sometimes, the feelings are so strong, she can’t even get out of bed. As Lyn says, “I can’t see it coming, and that makes it hard to fight.”1


You are now seeing dizziness

Photographed by Louis Petruccelli
Inspired by Lyn Petruccelli’s invisible symptoms

Lyn’s husband Louis is an accomplished photographer, and they worked together to visually portray what it’s like to live with the possibility of dizziness every day. Their photograph is part of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia’s (MSA) Seeing [MS] campaign, which is all about recognizing the invisible symptoms of MS and raising awareness for the neurological condition. Check out the previous pictures and stay tuned for more Seeing [MS] posts.

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1 http://www.seeingms.com.au/ms-stories

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  • I too have dizzy spells and was diagnosed with virtigo. What worries me the dizziness could occur when I am driving. I have never had this till recently and not sure how to deal with it. And also the fatigue is frustrating too. When I was younger and did not have MS I was able to go with only a couple of hours of sleep now I need to sleep seems 24/7 if I could. The funny thing is I do not take nothing for my MS as mine is due to heat exersion and it has not gotten worse over the years meaning like 14 years now.

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