Patients as Partners: The WHYSTOP Scale questionnaire results

We’re really excited to launch a new series here on the blog called Patients as Partners. The series will highlight the results and feedback that PatientsLikeMe members give on questionnaires from our Open Research Exchange (ORE) platform.

What’s ORE all about again? PatientsLikeMe’s ORE platform gives patients the chance to not only check an answer box, but also share their feedback on each question in a researcher’s health measure. They can tell our research partners what makes sense, what doesn’t, and how relevant the overall tool is to their condition. It’s all about collaborating with patients as partners to create the most effective tools for measuring disease.

So to kick the series off, we have results from the WHYSTOP Scale, which measures how diabetes can impact appetite and how people decide when they’re done with a meal. Back in September, we launched this as one of the first-ever questionnaires on ORE with our research partner William Polonsky, Ph.D., CDE, from the Behavioral Diabetes Institute and University of California, San Diego. More than 700 type 2 diabetes community members added their voices, and all of the answers and feedback shaped and influenced the health measure to make it the best possible. (Shout out and thank you to all those that participated!) Check out the WHYSTOP survey results and keep an eye out for more ORE questionnaire results coming up as we continue our Patients as Partners series.




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