Arthritis Awareness 101

You may have heard that arthritis affects the joints, but did you know that it’s an umbrella term used to describe over 100 medical conditions and diseases (known as rheumatic diseases)?1 Conditions that fall underneath forms of “arthritis” include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, and fibromyalgia

You may have heard that arthritis affects the joints, but did you know that it’s an umbrella term used to describe over 100 medical conditions and diseases (known as rheumatic diseases)?1 Conditions that fall underneath forms of “arthritis” include rheumatoid arthritisgoutlupus, and fibromyalgia. And the symptoms can vary depending on the type of arthritis and the person living with the condition.

May is dedicated to raising awareness for arthritis (along with schizophrenia, lupus, CINDs, ALS…) – the people in the following video shared with the United States Congress what it’s like to live with arthritis:

May is drawing to a close, but it’s not too late to share your story on social media through the #ArthritisAwarenessMonth and #ArthritisMonth hashtags. And if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with any form of arthritis, the Arthritis Foundation has put together a collection of resources for everything from pain management to treatment options.

Don’t forget to visit the various arthritis communities on PatientsLikeMe – 7,488 people are sharing about living with rheumatoid arthritis, 4,795 with osteoarthritis and 1,527 with psoriatic arthritis.

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1 https://www.rheumatology.org/about/arthritismonth.asp

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