You are not alone in brain injury

#NotAloneinBrainInjury. That’s the overarching theme of the 2015 Brain Injury Awareness Month, organized by the Brian Injury Association of America (BIAA). 2.5 million Americans survive a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year, and and it’s time to raise awareness for the 5.3 million people currently living with a brain injury.1

In addition, Wednesday, March 18 is “Brain Injury Awareness Day.” There are many different ways to get involved – you can share one of six promotional posters created by the BIAA, listen to several public service announcements and even get involved with the TBI Portrait Project.

Finally, don’t forget to share your support for TBI awareness on social media through the #NotAloneinBrainInjury hashtag. Just click on the Twitter icon below or spread the word on your Facebook page.

Our co-founder, Jamie Heywood, said it best when discussing PatientsLikeMe’s recent partnership with One Mind, a non-profit organization dedicated to benefiting all affected by brain illness and injury:

“We are both of one mind when it comes to the challenges of living with and researching these understudied and largely misunderstood conditions. Our partnership with One Mind and the individuals dealing with PTS and TBI will provide insights about effective treatments from people in the real world, and drive new understanding about gaps in care. It will also provide a new resource where people are empowered to help themselves as they learn how to live better with their condition.”

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with a TBI, join the more than 1,500 PatientsLikeMe members living with different traumatic brain injuries. The community is ready to answer any and every question you might have.

Share this post on Twitter and help spread the word for TBI.

1 http://www.biausa.org/brain-injury-awareness-month.htm

Categories: Mental Health

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  • I am Sharon Stone and I am a Brain Injury Survivor. I am a actress and a mother. It is hard getting up sometimes with a Brain Injury. I have a Brain Injury support group that meets at my home once per month. You are required to bring one food item. We talk about life and our injury. We dance, sing and tell jokes. We support everybody in the group with our problems. If you are interested there is a waiting list for the group and you must have a written authorization from your Brain Injury doctor. Please park on the street. Once per year a specialist comes in and talks about new medications for Brain Injury Survivors. Without this group I would be lost in life and love.

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