Raising awareness for peripheral neuropathy, one picture at a time

Neuropathy Awareness Week is May 13th-17th and The Neuropathy Association has dedicated a page of its website to those who are getting involved. You’ll find images of people who are helping raise awareness at events all over the country. They’ve also created a list of upcoming events including a walk-a-thon and live Facebook chat.


Close to 20 million Americans live with this peripheral nerve disorder and while it’s most common among adults, it can start at any age. It’s frequently misdiagnosed or dismissed as a side effect of another disease like diabetes. In fact, 30% develop from an unknown cause, called ‘idiopathic.’[1]

If you’re living with peripheral neuropathy, find others just like you in our growing community of almost 1,500 neuropathy patients on PatientsLikeMe. Learn what they’re doing to manage their condition with symptom and treatment reports, and share your own experience with a personal health profile or in the community forum.

[1] http://www.neuropathy.org/site/PageServer?pagename=About_Facts

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