Patients showcase PatientsLikeMe to their local support group

photo.jpg Our members are very enthusiastic about the value generated by sharing their information. So much so that recently two of our members decided to don their hard-earned PatientsLikeMe t-shirts and share their experiences using PatientsLikeMe with their local MS support group. They recruited several new members at the meeting and gave more information about PatientsLikeMe to everyone. Our members believe that the more information we share, the easier it will be for patients and doctors to see what’s working for others and for scientists to use the data to develop new treatments faster. This is a great example of patients helping other patients and we love seeing our members share, online and in real-life. Thanks!

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1 thought on “Patients showcase PatientsLikeMe to their local support group”

  1. Am I going to be the first to post? That string of pictures at the top of this page is my second family. They have shared my tears and my laughter. They have set with me all night when the pain would not let me sleep. They have nutured my thoughts and ideas and encouraged me to move forward to so many new places and friends. My twelve year battle with PD is now secondary to living my life to the fullest not just eveyday but every second. Thank you guys one and all….see you in NEW YORK CITY for the Parkinson’s Unity Walk all the way from ILLINOIS….POKIE TOO

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