Our Patients’ Hopes, Thoughts and Resolutions for 2012

PatientsLikeMe Members Approach the New Year in Different Ways

Many people look at a new year as a fresh start – a chance to begin new routines, eliminate bad habits and shift priorities.  But not everyone believes in making resolutions.

Here are several different patient perspectives on approaching the new year:

  • “In 2012, I will make daily exercise a priority. Research reveals it is the one thing that may slow disease progression. It also improves overall health and makes us look and feel better.”   – Patient with Parkinson’s disease
  • “I am filled with great hope for us all. In 2011, the pace of research breakthroughs increased dramatically. Most importantly, new research modalities using human tissue have been developed and are already contributing to major breakthroughs in understanding the biopathways affecting ALS. We are closer to a cure than ever.” – Patient with ALS

  • “My resolutions are pretty simplistic:  Sleep hygiene and getting more (sleep, that is). Discontinuing the practice of making long and unrealistic to-do lists.  I’ll start with sleep and go from there.” – Patient with major depressive disorder

  • “I have no expectations that this new year will be any better then the last. That way I don’t get disappointed so whatever does happen will be a bonus.”  – Member with Wegener’s granulomatosis
  • “I’m going to cut out sugar and white flour foods.  I know, I know, I’ve said this before and I’ve done this before, and it’s really hard for me, but it works for weight loss and being able to tap into my energy.  So here we go again, looking towards a healthier 2012.” – Patient with fibromyalgia

  • “My resolution is to do more, no matter what it is.  Smile more, laugh more, cry more, walk more, yoga more, love more, hug more, write more, hurt more, sing more, read more…you get the idea.  I figure more means I’m alive, less may mean I’m dying.” – Patient with Parkinson’s disease

What will you be doing differently in 2012 – if anything?  Share your thoughts in the comments section and read more about exercise, diet and sleep at PatientsLikeMe.

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