The Patient Voice | Episode 3: When a Community “Becomes Family”

“I’ve met a lot of people from all over the world,
we are all one happy family.” – Vigwig

Around and around we go, strap on in for Episode 3 of our podcast series, “The Patient Voice.”   To continue with the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Disease (PD) quilt story, our guest today is community member VigWig. A few years back, VigWig underwent surgery for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation). As word spread throughout the vigwigpatch3community, Vigwig’s online friends arranged for the quilt to be there waiting for him when he returned to his room from surgery.

Inspired by his Parkinson’s “family” (as he calls them), VigWig plays a more active role in the PatientsLikeMe PD community, and in raising awareness about PD. His story was published in the The Courier of Montgomery County, and VigWig submitted quilt patches to Parkinson’s Quilt Project (coordinated by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and displayed at the World Parkinson’s Congress). An honest-to-goodness story about an online “family” rallying together to support one of their own…here is our interview with VigWig.

PatientsLikeMe member afleishman

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